Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm Alive a Quarter of a Century

I like to think of myself as detail-oriented, so much so that for the majority of my life I thought such a quality would work against me one day: I could never have a genuine, scare the-hell-out-of-you surprise party. The attempts of the past were good, some of them really good, but none were without my suspicions...until now. My 25th birthday, and my first in Japan, my good friends and my husband broke the self-inflicted curse I had laid upon myself, and succeeded in really scaring the crap out of me. My husband took me out the entire day--literally for about 9 hours. We went to lunch, then the aquarium, shopping for a gift, dinner, a walk, and cake at the most adorable home made cake shop you have ever seen in your life. Arriving home at close to 10pm, I had no energy to suspect that 5 of my friends were hiding in our pitch-black living room waiting (what probably felt like an eternity) for my arrival. Yuki and our roommate Juan did an amazing job of decorating, and putting everything together! It was an awesome surprise, and definitely one of the best birthdays I have ever had.
Juan also made this cool video, check it out:

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